Saturday, November 28, 2009

Frizzy hair help!!?

Ok lately it's been getting really humid where I live which makes my hair totally frizz up....I use Chi shampoo and straighten it eveey morning, and even put the same brand Chi de-frizzer on it but it doesnt work....anyone got any suggestions that really, truly work??? Please only suggest things if you've tried the product and it's worked.....I need it to last all day through school too!! All i want is smooth, un frizzy hair. Best answer is waiting!!!

Frizzy hair help!!?

I use John Friedas frizz-ease.

If you can, don't straighten your hair every day, I don't anymore. It is so harmful to your hair and will make everything worse.

Frizzy hair help!!?

I recommend putting hair spray so it will stay straight.

Frizzy hair help!!?

My hair gets frizzy too. I use Garnier's soothing milk on my hair when it's wet before I style it and then I use a shine anti frizz serum (Pantene's good).

Frizzy hair help!!?

Rinse your hair in cold water. When your hair is dry, mist some spray conditioner and pat hair down. Or try some frizz serum. =)

Frizzy hair help!!?

before u dry, put gel on it. it works for me.

Frizzy hair help!!?

If you have wavey or natural curly hair, dont use anything with alcohol in the ingredients. Natural curly hair is dry by nature, it needs more moisturizers, a lot of gels dont have alcohol. The alcohol dries the hair out more. And if your straighten it every morning with heat, that's making it worst. Try gel and your hair dryer with kool shot button.

the frizz-ease line is good also. I use TRESemme`

Frizzy hair help!!?

Don't buy anything. Mix a little good lotion with water in hands. Working that in will weight your hair down a little, but stop the frizz. Not a lot though. By the way, lotion is not gross to put in your hair. Just read what is in hairspray. That is what's gross.

Frizzy hair help!!?

Use frizz ease serum when hair is wet

Frizzy hair help!!?

Frizz eaze

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