Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

ok i just posted the hair straigtening help PLEASE! thing...but maybe a picture of my hair will help you guys understand how bad it really is and why it takes me 2 hours to straighten with my chi straightener...ok

this is how it looks after shampoo, conditioner, and airdried w/ NO products or anything in it at all


and after straightening it for 2 hours it looks like this


so should i use EasyStraight? what should i do??

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

There's no actual proof that that is the same person in both pictures. Just stick with your straighter now.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

wow, u r beautiful. personally, i think your hair is cute curly too. try biosilk from a beauty story it makes your hair really soft when curly or straight.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

Your hair is actually gorgeous either way, but if you want it straight....definitely give EasyStraight a try. Just always make sure you test before you put anything all over your hair. Good luck :)

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

straight is better

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

I thought your hair looked nice both ways. Try learning how to style it while it is still curly. =) Just because many women like to straighten their hair does not mean that you have to blend in with the crowd. Be different, because that is what sets you apart and gets you noticed from everyone else.

If you insist on looking like everyone else and you want your hair straightened in order to make yourself happy..then by all means use the EasyStraight thing. Do whatever makes you happy.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

You do not even look like the same person in these photos,but you have the best of 2 worlds you could go curly and look hot if you style it curly and your straight hair looks great also,I would say leave it alone I know that 2 hours of straightening must be a pain but try the curly look once in a wile you could really do a lot with your hair,you are quite lucky.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

i think ur hair looks great straightened (sp?) newayz, if u wanna straighten ur hair, then ask ur hair stylist what the best straightener is 4 u, they know ur hair best.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

i may have no answer but either way you would look stunning!

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

i think it looks cute with curls but if you really want it straight so you should use easystraight

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

cute both ways.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

I don't know what Easy Straight is. If it is a hair straightener, you need to know that if you live in an area that there is high humidity, even a straighener won't stop fuzziness. I have really curly hair like yours and I am able to get it strait within an hour or less and it lasts for a few days. Here is what I do.

I wash and condition my hair with Nourish by Trader Joes but that is available only in the USA and on the East and West coasts but you may be able to get it online. If you can't get it, I did get good results from using Pureology and that you can get it in beauty supply stores or online. Nourish, though has been a real a break through for my hair. I shampoo just once, condition for 4-5 minutes and do not completely rinse out. I leave just a little of the conditioner in. It does not leave the hair gummy or sticky at all. I only use a tiny bit of spray gel on the crown. Then I dry my hair by sections (3 on the back, the sides and top) with a dryer that has a brush on it. I hold onto the hair and do not let it fly around at all. I touch it up with a large curling iron or put a few curlers in and spray lightly with hair spray. While I am putting on make up, I leave in the curlers (not hot rollers-just large curlers). With this shampoo and conditioner, my hair stays ultra clean without drying it out and it stays clean for 2-3 days. I pin it up at night and just comb out in the morning after my shower. I do wear a shower cap so I don't get fuzzy from the steam. It stays soft and silky and smooth and shiny. I go to the beach or out in the rain and my hair doesn't fuzz. Unbelieveable for me. If you have a good iron/straightener, you would find that you would only have to touch up and smooth and go. Just make sure your hair is all the way dry. I don't use anti frizz stuff at all anymore. I save money and time using Nourish. It is all natural and doesn't soap up the way most shampoos do because there isn't any laurel sulfate in it. It does make your hair seem stiff when you rinse out the shampoo and you have to get used to the difference. But as soon as you put on the conditioner, it feels like silk. Even if I let my hair dry curly, I get really lovely curls instead of some curls and lots of frizz. Whatever you use for washing your hair, just make sure you condition it longer than the 2 minutes most suggest, leave some in, dry in sections and get all the way dry. Then curl or iron.

The picture of you that shows your face is really good. I can see why you like the straighened look. You have beautiful hair.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

WHOA. You're beautiful!! I think EasyStraight would be good, but try not to damage your hair.

Straight hair help! I also have pictures!?

Your hair looks really pretty curly and I would kill to have my hair like that.Your damaging it trying to make it straight all the time

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